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14 May 2017 10:00-15:00Axis Communications

A day of Coding 

At Pink Programming Sunday we meet up and code together for a day. Which programming language and what you work with is completely up to you. If you are a beginner and don't know where to start, we will help you get started!

You don't need any prerequisites to attend, all you need to do is to bring your own laptop and register prior to the event. Of course, everything is completely free of charge, including lunch, coffee, and snacks.

If you have registered and need to cancel for some reason - please do so through the link provided in the registration email. We have a limited number of spots, and someone else will be happy to take your place!

Hope to see you there! 

Program for the day

10:00 - 10:15   Welcome and short introduction by Pink Programming
10:15 -10:30    Presentation of Axis and practical information
10:30 - 12:30   Workshop / Free programming
12:30 - 13:15   Lunch
13:15 - 13:35   Inspirational talk by Louise Söderström
13:35 - 14:55   Free programming
14:55 - 15:00   End of the day with final goodbyes

Additional information 

All women and transgender people of all ages and programming experience levels are welcome. All you need to bring is a laptop and a pair of headphones for tutorials. 

The event is free of charge and a free lunch will be served. And please note that if we have a workshop there will be a limited number of spots for the workshops. You will receive an email regarding if you have a spot on the workshop or not.


This Sunday we have Emelie Lundberg joining us to host a workshop in the programming language Swift, and together we will build an app for iPhone! 
All you have to do in order to join is to bring a Mac computer and, in advance, download xCode, which can be found in App Store on your Mac.  


For whoever is feeling a bit adventurous and would like to make acquaintance (or maybe continue playing!) with Arduino, there is good news! There will be a few kits on the spot - all for you to play with.

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Louise Söderström

Louise Söderström has a background in mathematics, but as an engineering student, she gradually moved towards programming. For the past 2 years, she has worked as a software imaging engineer at Axis Communication. A job where you, among many other things, learn a lot about image algorithms, autofocus, optics and Japanese traditions. This spring, Louise has also worked 20 % for Pink Programming where she has been one of the driving forces behind our Pinkwebdev course.

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Emelie Lundberg
Workshop leader

Currently, works as a iOS developer at Handelsbanken in Malmö. 

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Organized by

Pink Programming

Pink Programming is a non profit organisation aiming to encourage and inspire women to code. This is done by hosting coding meetups, code camps and events all over Sweden.